A guide to Chemical Peel Aftercare
A chemical peel, or a course of them, is a great way to transform problematic, congested, and oily skin. They’re a little more aggressive than your average skincare routine, which is why they’re capable of producing such transformative results. Because they need a little healing time, however, your skin needs a little aftercare to help it on its way to a healthy and natural complexion. Discover the best chemical peel aftercare tips with Maison Aesthetique.
Don’t scratch or pick at the treated area
Chemical peels perform a chemical exfoliation on your face and work on removing the dead and damaged surface skin cells. This dries them out as they die, which presents itself as dry skin and flaking. Even light chemical peels cause a slight peeling of the skin for a few days after treatment. It’s really important you leave this skin to shed naturally and not pick at it. If the skin hasn’t shed naturally yet, it’s because the new skin beneath it is not ready to be brought to the surface. Not only can it sting if you expose this skin, but you could jeopardise its healing process and even cause hyperpigmentation.
Moisturise your skin
Your skin will be flaking and dry and shedding, but it’s still important to moisturise it. This won’t really affect the top layer, as it’s already dying, but it will help to moisturise the lower layers of skin that are now getting ready to emerge. Keep your face moisturised after a chemical peel until you’re sure your skin has completely healed.
Sun protection
A chemical peel is very effective, but because it forces new skin to prepare itself to be revealed, it can make this new skin a little vulnerable the elements. This is why its important to wear broad spectrum sun protection whenever you are exposed to the sun while your chemical peel results heal. The fresh skin could very easily burn, create pigmentation problems, and become very sensitive with prolonged and unprotected sun exposure.
Take a break from makeup
If you wear oily or topical makeup, it may be a good idea to forego this for a few days post-peel. This is because a lot of makeup products contain a lot of oil, such as foundations, so putting this kind of oil and chemicals back onto your skin when it is porous and healing and cleansed could hinder its clarity. Mineral makeup is fine, as are tinted sun creams, but heavy makeup post-peel could prove an irritant to your sensitive skin.
Chemical peel questions
If you’re not sure about the healing process, would like aftercare advice, or are worried something might be amiss, then please get in touch with the practitioner who performed your treatment. We can answer any questions you have and provide more personalised treatment support for your skin type.
Are you considering a chemical peel in Exeter? Simply get in touch with the team at Maison Aesthetique to book your skin consultation and treatment and transform your skin. Call us on 01803 864407.