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Lines Mouth to Chin - Marionette lines

Experience your treatment with James Willis Faces

Lines Mouth to ChinLogos

Marionette lines’: around the chin. Marionette lines are the deep vertical lines that extend downwards from the corners of your mouth. They get their name because they look like the lines seen on a marionette’s mouth. Many people are particularly self-conscious about their marionette lines because they give your face a turned down, sad appearance.

By injecting Botox into the corners of your mouth, we can improve the appearance of marionette lines and help get rid of that sad, tired look which may be ageing your face.

  • How long does the dermal filler procedure take?

    Depending on the area being treated, the filler procedure usually takes about twenty minutes.

  • What result will I see immediately after my dermal filler treatment?

    The result is immediate. Your skin will appear younger and smoother.

  • Are there any after effects?

    Initially there is a little redness and swelling that usually subsides after twelve hours. You may experience some bruising, which subsides over time. These after effects are all quite normal.

  • Can I go back to work immediately?

    Yes. There will be a little redness swelling and perhaps slight bruising. These can generally be disguised with make up.

  • How long will the dermal filler enhancement last?

    We like to provide a relaxed and un-hurried treatment environment and the procedure usually takes 20 to 30 minutes. The dermal filler enhancement lasts from six to nine months depending on the product and the areas being treated. Subsequent treatments tend to last a little longer.

"I already go to Maison Aesthetique for treatment regularly and find his service excellent "

- Dee, UK