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Nose to Mouth Lines

Experience your treatment with Maison Aesthetique

Nose to Mouth Lines | Botox Injections in Exeter and DevonLogos

Nasolabial lines are the skin folds that run from each side of the nose to the corners of the mouth. They tend to separate the cheeks from the upper lip and are commonly referred to as nasolabial folds or lines.

Nasolabial lines can appear at an early age and make even a young, beautiful person look older than they are. As we age the skin loses elastin and collagen and the cell turnover rate slows down. These folds or lines will appear deeper and wider, and in turn this can give a less youthful appearance. A common procedure and very effective method of restoring youth is to add volume to these folds, smoothing the grooves and rejuvenating the face using Dermal Fillers.

  • Dermal Fillers restore facial volume
  • Gentle, relaxed procedure
  • Soften lines, wrinkles and folds in the skin
  • The effect is seen immediately after treatment with minimal downtime
  • Dr Rupal Fatania has been providing these treatments for over twenty years
  • Discuss your needs at a free, in-depth consultation where all your questions will be answered
  • Receive advice on ways to maintain your skin in the best possible way
  • Early and late appointments to fit around your busy life
  • Receive advice on ways to maintain your skin in the best possible way
  • Our comprehensive knowledge of head and neck anatomy and physiology, together with - extensive training in the use of cosmetic treatments, give outstanding natural-looking results
  • Keep your secret safe – leave with a flawless finish with a Youngblood mineral make-up makeover

Another factor in the increasing appearance of these folds are the inevitable way that the cheeks become heavier due to gravity’s effects and the natural ‘bounce’ of the skins structure. This can result in the cheeks dropping and sometimes causing a fold. Even though a person may be smiling and feeling happy they often look ‘down’ which can lead to low self –confidence and low self esteem. We use a resorpable filler such as Juvederm to restore the natural volume in the area, the results are a natural, smoother and more youthful appearance and you can expect to see results lasting between 6 and 9 months.

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Before After Nose to Mouth Lines - Before & After
Before After Nose to Mouth Lines - Before & After
  • Why come to Maison Aesthetique for Facial treatments?

    When you come to Maison Aesthetique for treatment, you have the reassurance of knowing that Dr. Rupal Fatania has over 20 years’ experience in facial aesthetics. Dr Rupal Fatania BDS BSc has a gentle and relaxed manner, which makes her particularly popular with her clients. She is a member of the International Academy of Advanced Facial Aesthetics and a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine who has published numerous scientific papers, trains other medics on the use of Botox® and Dermal Fillers, and runs one of the very few clinics to be registered with the Government-approved IHAS. Maison Aesthetique was recently voted the number one clinic in the UK and Europe for customer service and product knowledge. Our clients often comment that Dr. Fatania’s light touch minimises post-treatment bruising.

    Our wider team shares Dr. Fatania’s comprehensive knowledge of head and neck anatomy and physiology, together with extensive training in the use of cosmetic treatments. Maison Aesthetique was voted the best clinic in the UK and Europe in a mystery shopping survey by Allergan for product knowledge and customer service, and we are one of the few clinics to be registered with the Government-approved IHAS.

  • What are Dermal Fillers?

    As skin ages, both naturally and because of other factors such as sun damage, smoking, stress and poor diet we lose collagen, elastin, fat and other natural moisturising substances from our skin. These can be thought of as the natural scaffolding that keeps your skin looking young and feeling firm. With less of these our skin becomes thinner and we start to see facial lines, wrinkles and folds developing. Dermal fillers is different to Botox in that rather than causing temporary paralysis in certain areas of the face, it is injected into a small area and “fills” out that small portion where you have lines, folds or wrinkles. It can be used for a number of purposes, including lip enhancement which, is a very popular treatment in our South Devon clinic.

  • Who will benefit from dermal filler treatment?

    Facial dermal fillers will benefit anyone concerned by facial lines or furrows from nose to mouth or lines around the mouth and those who would like more definition and fuller lips. We treat clients of all ages. Some clients are looking for a lip contour enhancement using lip fillers, whilst other clients may be seeking a more generalised facial enhancement. As one client put it ‘My face feels like a tent that has sagged: your dermal filler treatment has tightened up the guy ropes’

  • What dermal filler products do we use?

    There is a wide range of non-permanent dermal filler products available. After many years experience we have found that Allergan’s Juvederm Ultra range is the gold standard of dermal fillers. We use this exclusively.

  • What areas can be treated with dermal fillers?
    • Nose to mouth lines
    • Lip contour and volume for plumper lips
    • ‘Marionette lines’: around the chin
    • Cheek implants
    • Frown lines
    • Crows feet around the eyes.
    • Cheekbone enhancement
    • Jaw Line refining
    • Nose Reshaping
  • Is the dermal filler procedure painful?

    No. Some products like Juvederm Ultra contain anaesthetic, which makes the procedure more comfortable. For dermal filler treatment around the lips and mouth we tend to use local anaesthetic so that the area being treated is completely numb: the same feeling that you would have with a dental anaesthetic.

  • How long does the dermal filler procedure take?

    Depending on the area being treated, the filler procedure usually takes about twenty minutes.

  • What result will I see immediately after my dermal filler treatment?

    The result is immediate. Your skin will appear younger and smoother.

  • Are there any after effects?

    Initially there is a little redness and swelling that usually subsides after twelve hours. You may experience some bruising, which subsides over time. These after effects are all quite normal.

  • Can I go back to work immediately?

    Yes. There will be a little redness swelling and perhaps slight bruising. These can generally be disguised with make up.

  • How long will the dermal filler enhancement last?

    We like to provide a relaxed and un-hurried treatment environment and the procedure usually takes 20 to 30 minutes. The dermal filler enhancement lasts from six to nine months depending on the product and the areas being treated. Subsequent treatments tend to last a little longer.

  • Will the face return to how it was once the dermal filler product has all gone?

    Yes. After several months your face will start to return to its pre-treatment appearance. At this point it is time to book a further session.

  • What about lip filler enhancement?

    Lip enhancement is an excellent way to remove lines around the mouth: so called smokers lines. It is also an excellent way to create fuller lips for that sensual smile. Lip filler treatment results are instant and last for 6 to 9 months. Repeat treatments can be done and have no long-term effect on the lip.

  • What happened with the ‘Trout Pout’?

    A well-known celebrity experienced a much-publicised mis-hap following a lip procedure. To her absolute credit she made a television documentary to highlight her plight. So what happened? As she readily admits she made three mistakes. Firstly she didn’t check the credentials of her practitioner. Secondly she chose a permanent not a resorbable product. Thirdly she was allergic to the product used.

"I have been a client of Maison Aesthetique for a number of years now and I am so glad have found Rupal as she is such a wonderful man and makes me feel so relaxed. Rupal has a wonderful Wife and excellent Assistant- Ali, they make you feel so welcome and relaxed. I have got so much confidence in Rupal, I have had a number of different treatments done by Rupal and every time I have been delighted with the results. I leave the clinic feeling so happy and ten years younger! I would not ever go any were else for work on my face and will be going to Rupal for years to come."

- Anonymous – Torquay