Skin clinic guide: understanding your skin type
Are you confused by your skin type? If so, you’re not alone. Your skin is the largest organ of your body and changes in sun exposure, air pollutants, and even mental wellbeing can affect its health and appearance. When your skin is problematic, confusing, or can’t seem to make its mind up, seek the advice of a skin clinic who can offer your professional consultation, treatments, and products. Here’s our breakdown and advice on the main skin types, try to see which category you fall into.
Normal skin type
The normal skin type very fittingly falls between the two poles of ‘dry’ and ‘oily’, and it doesn’t usually exhibit any tell-tale skin conditions. Normal skin types are the lucky people that might not need to seek a skin clinic until an unexpected breakout or change occurs due to hormones, environment, or diet. Those with a normal skin type still need daily skin maintenance, because they need to maintain this normality. Gentle cleansers, lighter moisturisers, and sun protection would be recommended by any good skin clinic. Weekly exfoliation may also help clear your pores and keep your skin cell production positive.
Oily skin type
An oily skin type is on the more problematic side of the skin clinic spectrum, because high levels of oil can bring about blemishes. Because one of the foundations of an oily skin type is consistently high levels of oil due to hormones, its severity can fluctuate readily. Excessive oil production sees a sebum collect in pores and hair follicles which, when combined with dead skin cells, form blackheads and spots. A course of chemical peels at your skin clinic can help to bring this oil production under control while also drawing out the blackheads and blemishes that are lying beneath the surface. Regulating oil production is essential for bringing problematic and congested skin under control, so professional products that uses salicylic acid and even retinoids may be a good option for you, too.
Dry skin type
Dry skin types often feel scaly and tight, especially after they’ve just gotten wet or the temperature is cold. This is why during winter months those with a dry skin type can suffer a lot and need some pretty heavy moisturisers. Due to a lack of natural oil production, dry skin types often have smaller pores that aren’t too visible, but they’re more likely to develop premature wrinkles and irritation through skin dehydration. Lighter cleansers yet richer moisturisers are recommended for dry skin types, and treatments such as mesotherapy may also help to reinvigorate the skin from the inside-out.
Visit your skin clinic
Visit your skin clinic in Plymouth to receive expert advice on what would be best for your skin. At Maison Aesthetique, we pride ourselves on our approachable and empathetic team, so you can receive treatments to boost your skin comfortably and confidentially. Get in touch today on 01803 864407 to arrange your initial consultation.